Specialising in Technological and Applied Studies, with a focus on Food Technology, Hospitality and Textiles, all resources have been tried and tested in my classroom over the past 10 years. I have also tutored numerous students in a wide range of subjects and have developed a range of resources to assist in their learning. Any resource that I have created that has helped me help my students will be added to my shop so that I can help you, help your students.
Specialising in Technological and Applied Studies, with a focus on Food Technology, Hospitality and Textiles, all resources have been tried and tested in my classroom over the past 10 years. I have also tutored numerous students in a wide range of subjects and have developed a range of resources to assist in their learning. Any resource that I have created that has helped me help my students will be added to my shop so that I can help you, help your students.
School and Faculty budgeting doesn’t always allow for an expensive online food management and ordering system to be used for practical cooking subjects. Especially if it’s a small to one teacher subject area. This Food Order MS EXCEL System folder provides the answer to those time consuming manual food orders.
Download and unzip the folder to access an instruction sheet on where/how to save the food orders to a shared drive on the faculty computer system, instructions on how to use the MS EXCEL food ordering spreadsheet, an example of the Food Order spreadsheet in use, the Food Order Template spreadsheet (for you to SAVE AS and then fill in with your recipe quantities), instructions on how to use the MS EXCEL Food Order Summary spreadsheet, a Food Order Summary spreadsheet example, the Food Order Summary Spreadsheet Template and a MS Word shopping list template.
All you need to do is add your recipe quantities to the DEMONSTRATION side of the Food Order spreadsheet and the formulas do all the calculations for you to convert the recipe from 2 serves to however many you need for your class! To adjust the formulas or number of serves required for the whole class, follow the instructions on the Food Order Template Instructions document. Once you’ve created a new food order for each recipe needed for all your classes for the week, input the whole class quantities into the Food Order Summary spreadsheet for the instant calculations required for the shopping list. Check your current stock levels in the pantry, cool room and freezer and only add what is needed for purchase onto the Shopping List. Put in your online shopping order or visit the local supermarket to purchase the necessary ingredients and you’re ready for the next week ahead!
Once you’ve saved all your recipes onto separate food order spreadsheets, it’s super quick an easy to adjust the whole class quantities year after year after year; taking hours of work down to less than half an hour! 5 minutes tops to sort class quantities and the rest of the time to check stock and put in a shopping order (depending on how organised your storage areas are it might even take you less than half an hour!)
A major factor in any Vocational Education Training (VET) Hospitality course is the practical cooking component and the necessity to match appropriate recipes, skills and techniques to the Units of Competency covered throughout the course.
This is a tried and tested Hospitality cookery recipe book with well over 120 recipes matched to units for the full Hospitality Kitchen Operations training package. Each recipe provides:
a list of techniques covered
clean up checklist
recommended garnishes
workflow templates
Recipes are designed for one to two students maximum to ensure each member of the class is attempting each of the skills and techniques required.
The introduction of the recipe book also supplies:
a recommended way ‘Set Up Your Workstation’ diagram
information on measuring
oven temperature conversions
description on the most effective way to clean and sanitise benchtops
precision cuts and practice template
meat doneness
as well as the contents pages which lists each recipe and the techniques covered
The back of the recipe book provides:
Hospitality MasterChef Challenge lesson
MasterChef score sheet
Practical course feedback survey